We finished the presentation with time to spare. Unfortunately for us, the professor wanted to make the most of the class time, so he decides to pepper me with questions about Asia.
him: "What is your name"
me: "Teena" (professor looks disappointed I do not have a more Asian sounding name)
him: "Have you been to China?"
me: "To Shanghai once, and to Hong Kong several times" (another look of visible disappointment)
him: "Well, I'm sure you have Asian roots."
me (jokingly and incredulously): "enh, somewhat"
The professor starts big, asking me what my recommendations for
him: "Yes, you can also ask your classmates to help you with this question."
So I respond: "I'd like to then open up this question to my fellow Chinese students. (Point to an Asian student) Bing, what do you think about this?"
For a fleeting second, I considered calling upon Yinka, my Nigerian friend, to help me answer this question since she likes to joke that she's part Japanese. She just wants to see the professor face when an African woman makes sweeping comments about the Asian market. Yinka is also worried (only slightly) about receiving class participation credit since we never talk about luxury brands in Africa.
Regardless of the odd Q&A session, the presentation was a